In the past, each year Promote Dunstan has provided financial assistance for a person from our area to attend a community leader's workshop. This project was funded from Wine & Food festival proceeds.
Past recipients have attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Workshop or the annual Tonic Conference (which focuses on emerging trends and best practice in all aspects of running a non-profit organisation.)
We currently provide funding to assist students from the Burgundy region in France who exchange with young people from our area each year. This funding is provided to the COWA who manage the exchanges.
If you are interested in attending any such community workshop or would like to nominate someone please contact Promote Dunstan at 03 449 2119 or
In 2008 the recipient of the award was Jamie Bell who was Curator at the Central Stories Museum in Alexandra. The 2008 RYLA course was based in Invercargill and included 28 young leaders from throughout Southern New Zealand. After attending the course Jamie reported back to the Promote Dunstan committee and it was clear that he had gained considerable value from the excellent course.
The 2009 RYLA recipient was Sammy de Koning
The 2010 RYLA recipient was Jamie Bell
In 2014 and 2015 Carol Haig (our Treasurer) attended the Tonic conference
In 2016 Janine Neville attended the same conference.